The Art of Communicating

About This Course
Communication is the process of exchanging information and ideas and there are many ways to communicate. There are also many ways to miscommunicate. To be an effective and valuable leader it is important that you become skilled in all the different methods of communication that are appropriate. In this course, you will learn how to be a better communicator at work and in your private life. I will take you through the different types of communication, help you asses your communication skill level and teach you techniques to become a better communicator.
Think how often you communicate with people during your day. You can spend almost Your entire day communicating. So, why is it very often you find employees and others didn’t get the message, didn’t understand what you were trying to accomplish or misunderstood altogether what the plan was.
In this course, you will learn how to use the 7c’s in all your communication whether written, spoken or even body language.
You will learn good verbal communication skills and I teach you simple tricks to make it easier. Good verbal skills are more than just the words we use; you will learn about tone and intonation. I even address the dreaded sentence upending that is plaguing the business world, why it doesn’t work for you and how to defeat the habit. Believe me, if you are an upender you can’t imagine how you are being judged by your peers, your subordinates and your superiors and it ain’t good. I can use the slang word ain’t here because it is being used to prove a point.
You will learn good written communication skills as well. Skills such as how to write a professional looking and sounding business letter, the do’s and don’ts of writing business emails. You will learn proper techniques for preparing a written business meeting agenda and how to produce an office memo correctly. I provide downloadable material for you to use as a guide.
You will learn how to read body-language and more importantly how to interpret what you are seeing and you will learn how to improve your own body language so that the signals you send agree with the words you are using.
You will learn how to delegate properly so that results can be obtained when and how you want them. I go over the good, the bad, and that not so pretty when it comes to delegation and help you understand how to differentiate between them.
If you are in the workplace you are now or will be responsible for conducting meetings. Both team meetings and one-on-one meetings. Most people dread attending meetings and if asked why, their responses will usually fall into one of two categories and often fall into both: the meeting always starts late and runs long, and the second reason, nothing ever gets accomplished.
I will teach you how to organize a meeting and then conduct it so those three elements, starts late, runs long, and nothing gets accomplished, will never come up when talking about the meetings you hold.
If you are not conducting then you need to know how to attend a meeting and I will teach you that, too.
Now, no self-respecting course on communication would be complete without a discussion on grammar. This course just covers those areas that keep cropping up as I communicate with others. The information is basic but the fact that I keep running into it suggests to me we need to talk about it.
Finally, now that we have covered the areas of communication I think are the most essential we move into the section I call “Beyond the Basics”. This is where I will, if you are not already familiar with it, introduce you to the DISC system of identifying how various personality types interpret what you are saying to them. It’s a complex subject but I break it down into the basics and help you see how you can take all of what you learned in this course and tailor it to fit the needs of the individual personality types so that true communication will take place.
So, if you are ready let’s get you registered and then jump right into this essential subject of communication.
The course material is comprised of principles found in the American English language. An understanding of English and in particular North American English is necessary.
What is the target audience?
- The course is intended for anyone who communicates with others. That would be all of us! The course covers spoken English, written English, and body language and how important a knowledge of all three is to communicating effectively at work and in life. You will then learn how to effectively communicate for understanding with various personality types. The course is a great platform for improvement or to just brush up on principles you may have forgotten over time.
Course Staff

Staff Member #1
Biography of instructor/staff member #1

Staff Member #2
Biography of instructor/staff member #2
Frequently Asked Questions
What web browser should I use?
The EnlightMe platform works best with current versions of Chrome, Firefox or Safari, or with Internet Explorer version 9 and above.
Course Features
- Lectures 46
- Quizzes 0
- Duration
- Skill level
- Language English
- Students 3
- Certificate No
- Assessments Self
Section:1 Introduction to the course
- Lecture 1.1 Lecture:1 Introduction Locked
Section:2 Verbal Communication
- Lecture 2.1 Lecture:2 Developing Good Speech Habits Locked
- Lecture 2.2 Lecture:3 Practice Makes Perfect Locked
- Lecture 2.3 Lecture:4 Establishing Intonation and Tone Locked
- Lecture 2.4 Lecture:5 Upending and Up-talking Locked
- Lecture 2.5 Lecture:6 Breaking the Upending and Up-talking Habit Locked
- Lecture 2.6 Lecture:7 Using Your Voice To Influence Locked
- Lecture 2.7 Lecture:8 Developing Good Listening Skills Locked
- Lecture 2.8 Lecture:9 Listening Skills are Essential Leadership Skills Locked
- Lecture 2.9 Lecture:10 Primer on Using the Telephone in Business Locked
Section:3 Written Communication or Be Careful You Are Writing History
- Lecture 3.1 Lecture:11 The Tone Locked
- Lecture 3.2 Lecture:12 Emails – What and Why Locked
- Lecture 3.3 Lecture:13 The Mechanics of a Business Email Locked
- Lecture 3.4 Lecture: 14 The Mechanics of a Business Letter Locked
- Lecture 3.5 Lecture:15 The Meeting Agenda Locked
Section:4 The Unspoken Language or Body Language
- Lecture 4.1 Lecture:16 Understanding Non-Verbal Communication Locked
- Lecture 4.2 Lecture:17 Facial Expression Locked
- Lecture 4.3 Lecture:18 Defensive Bored and Just Tuned Out Locked
- Lecture 4.4 Lecture:19 Misleading Misinforming and Lying Locked
- Lecture 4.5 Lecture:20 Interviews Negotiations and Reflections Locked
- Lecture 4.6 Lecture:21 One Size Does Not Fit All Locked
- Lecture 4.7 Lecture:22 Working With Groups and Disengagement Locked
- Lecture 4.8 Lecture:23 Interpreting Body Language Locked
Section:5 The What For and How To of Meetings
- Lecture 5.1 Lecture:24 Introduction to Team Meetings Locked
- Lecture 5.2 Lecture:25 Why Hold the Meeting? Locked
- Lecture 5.3 Lecture:26 Solving the Problem Locked
- Lecture 5.4 Lecture:27 There is a Science to Attending a Meeting Locked
- Lecture 5.5 Lecture:28 One on One Meetings Make Them Work Locked
- Lecture 5.6 Lecture:29 Great One on One Meetings Locked
- Lecture 5.7 Lecture:30 One on One Meeting Prep Locked
- Lecture 5.8 Lecture:31 It All Comes Down to Feedback Locked
- Lecture 5.9 Lecture:32 Great Leadership Requires Great Communication Skills Locked
Section:6 A Primer on Grammar
- Lecture 6.1 Lecture:33 Grammar Primer Locked
- Lecture 6.2 Lecture:34 Phrases to Avoid Locked
Section:7 DO AS I SAY! Is that the right way to delegate?
- Lecture 7.1 Lecture:35 Successful Delegation is an Art Locked
- Lecture 7.2 Lecture:36 When it Comes to Delegation How and Where Do I Begin? Locked
- Lecture 7.3 Lecture:37 Let’s Delegate to Get the Job Done and Done Right Locked
Section:8 Beyond the Basics. Learning How to Communicate With Different Personalities
- Lecture 8.1 Lecture:38 Where Do We Go From Here? Locked
- Lecture 8.2 Lecture:39 The Four DISC Personality Types Locked
- Lecture 8.3 Lecture:40 So Different People have Different Personalities, So What Locked
Section:9 Knowing is Understanding. How to Identify the Four Basic DISC Types
- Lecture 9.1 Lecture:41 Communicating By the Numbers Locked
Section:10 Communicating for Understanding
- Lecture 10.1 Lecture:42 We All Want to be Understood! Locked
Section:11 What Do I Do Now? He is Really Upset!
- Lecture 11.1 Lecture:43 Stress or Pressure, Which is It? Does it Matter? Locked
- Lecture 11.2 Lecture:44 Negotiating When Stress and Pressure are in the Equation Locked
- Lecture 11.3 Lecture:45 Motivating in Stress Filled Situation Locked
Section:12 Some Final Thoughts
- Lecture 12.1 Lecture:46 Final Thoughts Locked